
Paper Key : IRJ************085
Author: Pachore Sarthak Madhukar
Date Published: 04 Apr 2024
This paper presents a comprehensive review of coffee powder, covering various aspects such as flavor profiles, brewing techniques, health benefits, and environmental considerations. Coffee powder, derived from roasted coffee beans, is a staple beverage enjoyed worldwide for its rich taste and stimulating effects. The review explores the diverse flavor profiles of different coffee varieties, including Arabica and Robusta, highlighting factors such as origin, roast level, and processing methods that influence taste. Additionally, the paper examines popular brewing methods like espresso, French press, and pour-over, discussing their impact on flavor extraction and overall coffee experience. Furthermore, the review delves into the health benefits associated with coffee consumption, such as increased alertness, improved cognitive function, and potential protective effects against certain diseases. However, it also addresses concerns regarding excessive caffeine intake and suggests moderation for optimal health outcomes. Moreover, the environmental implications of coffee production, including deforestation and waste generation, are discussed, along with sustainable practices to mitigate these issues. Overall, this review provides valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of coffee powder, serving as a resource for coffee enthusiasts, professionals, and policymakers alike.
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