
Paper Key : IRJ************358
Author: Manish Kumar,Murugan R
Date Published: 09 Mar 2024
The increasing prevalence of cloud computing and the shift towards microservices-based applications necessitate scalable solutions, posing challenges in both software creation and, more significantly, scalable system development. Microservices, in contrast to monolithic applications, represent a collection of independently deployable services. The study highlights quality attributes like performance, scalability, security, and maintainability as pivotal in contrasting monolithic and microservice applications. The research underscores a growing emphasis on quality-driven migration to microservices within the academic community.In the realm of web application development, the last decade has witnessed a shift towards Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and the rise of Software as a Service (SaaS) and Serverless providers embracing DevOps for microservicescreation, maintenance, and scalability. Despite this trend, security remains a critical yet often underestimated aspect. This thesis reviews state-of-the-art security recommendations for microservices, aiming to integrate security seamlessly into the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). The research emphasizes enhancing security awareness and simplifying security measure integration. A small case study illustrates how dynamic startups can lead in adopting high cybersecurity standards.The core of the research delves into Microservices Architecture (MSA), emphasizing its evolution from Monolithic Architecture and its intrinsic connection with container-based deployment. The study elucidates that container, due to their independence from embedded operating systems, serve as a natural compute platform for MSA. Microservices, represented as small, independent processes communicating through lightweight mechanisms, exhibit a symbiotic relationship with containers. The focus is on dissecting larger applications into discrete services, with security being a central concern in the cost-effective era.In the context of security challenges in Microservice Architectures (MSA), the paper conducts a systematic mapping to categorize threats and proposed security solutions. The study identifies a research gap, emphasizing a need for more comprehensive approaches to secure MSA. While external attacks receive significant attention, internal threats, mitigation techniques, and considerations across communication and deployment layers require further exploration. The research advocates for a more holistic understanding of security in MSA, encouraging future studies to address these gaps.
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS49976
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