
Paper Key : IRJ************638
Author: Shalinee Vishwakarma
Date Published: 16 Oct 2023
In this review paper, different advancement in the speech filtering methods has been discussed. Modern audio processing techniques have developed significantly, partly as a result of developments in digital signal processing and machine learning. Deep learning has completely changed the discipline, enabling cutting-edge outcomes in automatic voice recognition, music creation, and noise reduction. Convolutional and recurrent neural networks in particular have revolutionized the subject. For applications like video conferences, gaming, and virtual reality, real-time audio enhancement techniques are essential because they give better audio quality through noise cancellation, echo suppression, and spatial audio rendering. The use of voice assistants has become ubiquitous, and they rely on cutting-edge audio processing to recognize speech and comprehend natural language. Various fields can benefit from audio content analysis, which includes speech emotion recognition and sound event identification. AI-driven solutions are advantageous for music and audio creation, making duties for artists and engineers easier. Techniques for audio restoration and preservation are also essential for preserving and improving old recordings. Ethics related to privacy and appropriate data usage are becoming more important. Overall, these advancements indicate that the area of audio processing will continue to expand and innovate, improving audio experiences in a variety of contexts.
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