Paper Key : IRJ************430
Author: Saniya Shihab,Riyana Fariza,Fathima Shifa,Mohamed Shanufer,Neethu Prabhakaran
Date Published: 09 Nov 2024
Web vulnerability scanners are essential tools in thefield of cybersecurity, designed to identify and assesssecurity weaknesses in web applications. Theseautomated tools simulate attacks on web applications todiscover vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), broken authentication, and securitymisconfigurations. The effectiveness of webvulnerability scanners lies in their ability to conductcomprehensive and systematic analyses, offeringinsights into potential entry points for attackers.However, the efficacy of these scanners varies based ontheir detection algorithms, the depth of the scan, andtheir ability to handle complex web technologies. Thispaper explores the capabilities and limitations ofmodern web vulnerability scanners, examining theirrole in proactive security management and theirintegration into the software development lifecycle. Byunderstanding the strengths and weaknesses of thesetools, organizations can better protect their webapplications from emerging threats and reduce the riskofdatabreaches.