
Paper Key : IRJ************382
Author: Satyam Pathak,Sujeet Pratap Singh ,Pramod Mishra
Date Published: 13 Nov 2024
ABSTRACTHerbal medicine and treatment with herbs are not new to humanity, and it has been in practice since thousands of years back and still going on. Both the developed and developing countries are now focusing on the treatment based on herbal medicine because of its several benefits. India is the country of herbs, and the Indian traditional treatment system was also based on herbs and medicinal plant that is known as AyurvedaPhytomedicine, derived from plants, offers a promising approach to healthcare. This review highlights the therapeutic potential of medicinal plants, emphasizing their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. We examined 50 plant extracts, including Turmeric, Ginger, and Ginkgo biloba, for their pharmacological effects. Our findings demonstrate significant biological activity, supporting their traditional uses. Standardization, quality control, and clinical trials are essential for integrating phytomedicine into modern healthcare. This study underscores the potential of phytomedicine as a complementary therapy, warranting further investigation.Key words:1. Phytomedicine2. Medicinal plants3. Therapeutic potential4. Anti-inflammatory5. Antimicrobial6. Antioxidant INTRODUCTION medicinal plants. Herbalism has a outside of conventional medicine. In the past decades, it is now becoming main stream as advancement and developments in analysis and control along with advances in clinical research. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), phytomedicine or herbal medicine is the sum total of the knowledge, skill, and practices based on the theories and experiences indigenous to different cultures, whether explicable or not, used in the mainten Herbal medicine or phytomedicines is related to use different parts of ance of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement, or treatment of physical and mental illness. Traditional herbal medicines are naturally occurring, plant-derived substances with minimal or no requirement of industrial processing that has been used to treat illness within local or regional healing practices.Herbal medicines have been widely used for the beneficiary of mankind for the thousands of years much before the development of allopathic drug system. Phytomedicines initially from crude drugs include tinctures, tea, poultices, powder, and other herbal formations.The utilization and application of plants for healing purposes predate human history and lead to the origin of much modern medicine. Research and studies based on clinical, pharmacological, and chemical studies of these herbal medicines, which were derived predominantly from plants, were the only basis of most early medicines such as aspirin (willow bark), digitoxin (from foxglove), morphine (from the opium poppy), quinine (from cinchona bark), and pilocarpine (jaborandi).Herbal medicines still cover up about 7080% primary health-care treatment of persons in the developing country of the world. The percentage for primary health-care treatment with herbal medicine is high because of the general belief that herbal drug.
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