
Paper Key : IRJ************177
Author: Poojanaa K,Anuja A V,Joshika V
Date Published: 19 Oct 2023
A large portion of the Indian population is involved in agriculture as their primary livelihood. Typically, farmers adhere to traditional methods, such as planting the same crop repeatedly, increasing their use of fertilizers, and following established routines. Nevertheless, recent years have witnessed notable advancementsin the utilization of machine learning acrossvarious sectorsand research domains. Given these advancements, our goal is to implement a machine learning- based system within the agricultural industry to support and benefit farmers.Our strategy involvesintegrating multiple factors to achieve more favourable outcomes. This enhancement is expectedto result in improved crop yields and the recognition of patterns that contribute to accurate predictions. Through the utilization of this system, we can effectivelydetermine the most suitablecrops for specific regions, thereby offering valuable insights to farmers and optimizing their agricultural output.Keywords: Decision Tree (DT), Nave Bayes (NB), Random Forest (RF),XG BOOST
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS45288
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