
Paper Key : IRJ************666
Author: Dudam Chandana
Date Published: 04 Oct 2023
Image fusion plays a key role in combining data from many sources into a single, more intelligible result in arange of clinical applications. The use of a medical image fusion technology can be beneficial to aid the physicianin performing combination Preoperative preparation, intra-operative supervision, and interventional treatment areall part of the diagnostic process. In this thesis, proposed a technique with a combined model of PCA and CNNfor the fusion of images A real-time image fusion method that uses pre-trained neural networks to create oneimage using features from several sources in real-time. Based on deep neural network feature maps, using aconvolutional network a unique technique is produced to merge the images. Due to the vast number of capturesystems, picture fusion has become increasingly important in current image processing applications. Fusion ofpictures is used to combine multi-temporal, multi-view, and inter-data into single imaging with improved imagequality and important feature integrity retained It's a crucial stage in a range of applications, including human-robot interaction, aircraft, satellites, and medical imaging, as well as robotics and object tracking.
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS45033
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