Paper Key : IRJ************136
Author: Abu Gaffar Siddique
Date Published: 06 Jan 2025
Abstract: This paper provides an analysis of the philosophy behind John Locke's "tabula rasa," which is applied to concepts in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Locke's conception is that the human mind is a blank slate shaped by experience and external inputs. This concept is seen to be very similar in principle to the concepts embodied in AI, especially where supervised learning is concerned-by which systems start with little or no inherent knowledge that they develop through exposure to data.The paper explores the influence of the concept of 'tabula rasaon the design, training, and evolution of AI systems; it draws connections between human cognition and machine learning processes. Analyzing this connection throws light on its philosophical and technical implications when considering AI development in terms of Locke's perspective. Ultimately, the findings of the study suggest how this concept has actually defined modern approaches to AI and ML, shining a light on the line where philosophy interacts with technology.
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