
Paper Key : IRJ************591
Author: Purva Nilesh Ranaware,Pratiksha Gorakh Shelke,Abhilasha Anil Lavale
Date Published: 24 Apr 2024
A healthy person can live a long and happy life. However, because people are so busy these days, they frequently neglect their own health, which can lead to many serious issues that are harmful to both them and those around them. Therefore, maintaining our health is just as important as taking care of anything else in our lives.Improper Health care can also lead to increase cost. Chronic illnesses, waste and inefficiencies including over-treatment, as well as duplicated, unsafe, or needless tests and treatments, are some of the factors driving up healthcare costs.(2). There are gadgets that track our health-related characteristics, keep us safe, and provide us information so we won't disregard it and become unwell. This evaluation examines the health monitoring system that employs an Arduino, including its uses, applications, features, strengths, limits, and more areas that can be updated and modified.
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS52949
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