
Paper Key : IRJ************412
Author: Prinsu Dhone ,Tanuja Chandewal ,Dr. Ruchi Chaudhary
Date Published: 09 Mar 2024
Abstract: Artificial intelligence, which is a fancy term , has completely transformed the world and is a game changer in whatever we do worldwide.It is a superhero in technology. AI is a powerful tool shaping and improving numerous aspects of our daily lives and industries.It helps automate tasks, analyze large amounts of data quickly, and make smart predictions.And guess what? It's also being used in how companies manage their people .In human resources, AI helps with decision making , retention of employees that is , how to keep good employees , and how to help them in their growth and development. AI is like a helpful assistant making HR work easier and faster.This research explores the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Human Resource (HR) processes, with a specific focus on recruitment, screening, and selection of employees and the way it is playing a crucial role in increasing and enhancing the competitiveness of organizations in contemporary era characterized by rapid advancements .The paper also delves into the innovative ways on how AI is applied in candidate recruitment, screening and identifying the best suitable candidates to meet the organizational goals and objectives.In choosing the right people for a job, AI helps HR professionals by using predictive analytics enabling them to forecast future trends and outcomes in various HR-related areas. This further helps in fostering a forward looking and forward thinking approach .The integration of AI in HR helps in making smart decisions for placing a right person at the right job by looking at a bunch of data and information. So, it's like a helpful tool that uses information to guide HR in making informed choices about hiring the right candidates and acts as a smart assistant making the recruitment process much smoother and more effective.The research is generally based on secondary data available in journals , articles ,research papers , etc . The findings contribute to the valuable information on how AI helps in effective talent acquisition and potential drawbacks and challenges associated with its implementation.INTRODigital innovation continues to fuel business transformation. In the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of talent acquisition, organisations are gradually seeking innovative strategies to enhance recruitment efficiency and identify top-tier talent. Organisations have started taking several measures to revamp their strategic directions on improved adoption of new technologies to fully utilise the opportunities provided by the new age technologies, especially AI.Artificial intelligence (AI), the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. These tasks include learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, language understanding, and speech recognition. The term is frequently applied to describe the endeavour of creating systems equipped with cognitive processes akin to those of human, counting the capacity for reasoning, discovering meaning, making generalisations, and learning from past experiences. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become indispensable across diverse sectors exhibiting its versatility and expanding influence. AI aims to develop systems capable of independent operation, the ability to adjust to their surroundings, and the continuous enhancement of their performance over time.Recruitment is a cornerstone that supports in shaping organisational triumph, exerting its influence across various facets ranging from the acquisition of skilled individuals and enhancing employee performance to fostering innovation and driving comprehensive company expansion. According to Edwin B. Flippo, Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organisation. It is a critical function of human resource management and plays a pivotal role in shaping the composition of a workforce. The main purpose of recruitment is to identify candidates with the right skills, qualifications and cultural fit to increase organisational efficiency. Effective recruitment is crucial for building a talented and diverse workforce, contributing to organisational success and growth. Recruitment is a multifaceted process starting with a detailed job analysis, outlining role specifics like responsibilities, skills, and qualifications. Traditional methods of recruitment, applicant screening and selection have often grappled with challenges like time constraints, inherent biases and issues related to subjectivity. The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into recruitment is a transformative solution, poised to revolutionize how organisations identify, assess, and select candidates. AI tools can assist in resume screening, candidate matching, and even predicting the success of candidates, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment function.Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the world of recruitment. So, it is no surprise that 43% of Human Resources professionals are already using AI in their hiring processes. The reason behind this rapid adoption is that organizations are starting to see the potential of AI and what it can do to improve their recruitment efforts. With the global AI market expected to reach over $1.8 billion by 2030, it is clear that this transformation is here to stay.
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS49947
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