
Paper Key : IRJ************214
Author: Shubham Kumar,Kishan Kumar,Satya Prakash Kumar,Prof. V.s. Chavan
Date Published: 09 Mar 2024
The modern era is witnessing a rapid transformation in the way we shop, with technological advancements revolutionizing the retail industry. One such innovation is the Smart Shopping Trolley (SST) equipped with automatic billing capabilities. This abstract elucidates the concept, design, functionality, and benefits of SSTs.The Smart Shopping Trolley (SST) aims to streamline the shopping experience by integrating RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) or IoT (Internet of Things) technologies into traditional shopping carts. The primary objective is to automate the billing process, thereby reducing queues at the checkout counters and enhancing overall efficiency.The design of the SST incorporates a range of sensors, RFID readers, and a central processing unit (CPU) to facilitate seamless interaction between the cart and the store's inventory management system. Each item placed in the trolley is tagged with an RFID tag or identified through IoT sensors, enabling real-time tracking of products.
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS50115
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