
Paper Key : IRJ************096
Author: R. Lalitha,S. Manoharan ,B. Vinitha
Date Published: 09 Apr 2024
This project proposes a hand recognition system implemented using Python and OpenCV. The system detect and track hands in real-time video streams utilizes computer vision techniques. The objective is to create a robust system that can accurately detect and interpret hand gestures, enabling users to interact naturally with computers and devices. The objective is to create an accurate and efficient system to locate human hands in images or video streams. The system will leverage computer vision techniques and the OpenCV library to visual data by analysing and detect hand regions based on specific characteristics and features. Various image processing operations, such as thresholding, contour analysis, and morphology, will be employed to enhance the accuracy of hand detection. The proposed system will offer real-time hand detection capabilities, allowing for seamless integration into applications requiring hand recognition. The project will involve implementing and optimizing the hand detection algorithm, conducting rigorous testing and evaluation to assess its performance, and providing a user-friendly interface for interaction with the detected hand regions.
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS51994
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