
Paper Key : IRJ************974
Author: Ragul S
Date Published: 02 Apr 2024
This paper introduces a novel video-based learning platform empowered by Machine Learning (ML) models, with a particular focus on face recognition technology, to dynamically regulate student engagement. The primary objective of this platform is to revolutionize the educational experience by seamlessly integrating interactive educational games and adaptive alterations based on individual progress and engagement levels.The incorporation of ML models, especially face recognition, serves as a cornerstone in personalizing the learning process. By analyzing facial expressions and other behavioral cues, the platform can accurately gauge the level of student engagement and tailor the content delivery accordingly by using tensorflow, numpy and pandas. This real-time adaptation ensures that learners remain actively involved throughout the learning sessions.Moreover, the platform offers a diverse range of interactive educational games, which not only serve as engaging learning tools but also facilitate the reinforcement of concepts in an enjoyable manner. These games are intelligently designed to align with the curriculum and cater to various learning styles, thereby enhancing comprehension and retention using ReactJs application.Keywords: Machine Learning, Face Expression, TensorFlow, Pandas, NumPy, ReactJs
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