
Paper Key : IRJ************198
Author: Mohd Arman Khan,Mamytova Zhainagul Turgunovna,Kirti Patel ,Anjali Mishra
Date Published: 04 Apr 2024
Rickets, a globally prevalent bone disease, arises from imbalances in calcium and phosphate regulation, resulting in potential short stature and joint abnormalities. Diagnosis typically involves historical review, physical examination, radiographic assessment, and biochemical analysis. The condition is broadly categorized into phosphopenic and calcipenic types based on phosphate or calcium levels, respectively. Prompt identification of the rickets subtype is crucial for effective treatment. Nutritional rickets, preventable through sufficient vitamin D intake from diet and sunlight exposure, represents one subtype. Others include vitamin Ddependent types 1 and 2 due to metabolic defects, renal rickets stemming from impaired kidney function, and hypophosphatemic rickets marked by vitamin D resistance and renal phosphate loss, often influenced by fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23). Monitoring and supplementation with activated vitamin D and phosphate may be necessary for certain subtypes. Notably, burosumab, a human monoclonal antibody targeting FGF-23, has emerged as a significant advancement in treating X-linked hypophosphatemia in children aged one year and older.
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