
Paper Key : IRJ************948
Author: M.karthikkumar,Murimuri Sukanya,Md.arshad Basha,P.vinay Kumar Reddy,Mr.sandeep Agarwalla
Date Published: 04 Mar 2024
The growth of the agricultural sector is based in the different soil parameters that can include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, crop rotations, soil moisture, pH, temperature and weather aspects such as temperature, rainfall, and so forth. Technology will be very useful for the agricultural sector enabling it to increase crop productivity and yet the farmer will gain more from the improved yields. The proposed project is a good answer for Smart Agriculture in that it ensures accurate field monitoring which can help the farmers to enhance their output to a very reasonable degree. This job includes a website form as a platform which deals with the machine learning techniques taking a step ahead and predicting the most profitable crop to grow at the present during the weather and soil conditions. Such a model can be utilized in not only projecting the yield of the crop factor through weather parameter, soil parameter and existing crop yield but also forecasting the crop output. Hence, the project is a target to develop a system that make integration from different data source with data analytics, prediction analysis which are major keys for higher marginal income and for loss prevention for the farmer for a longer period of time.
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