
Paper Key : IRJ************686
Author: Vishwanath Reddy
Date Published: 01 Jul 2024
The system leverages AI techniques such as computer vision and machine learning to monitor and analyze student behavior during online exams. Key features include facial recognition to verify student identity, gaze tracking to detect unusual eye movements, and keystroke dynamics to identify typing patterns. Additionally, the system monitors the testing environment for any unauthorized activities or suspicious behaviors, such as looking away from the screen or attempting to access external resources. By automating the proctoring process, the Smart Exam Proctoring System aims to provide a non-invasive, scalable solution for maintaining academic integrity in online assessments. It reduces the need for human proctors and allows educators to focus more on teaching rather than monitoring exams. Furthermore, the system can generate real-time alerts for any suspicious activities, enabling prompt intervention and ensuring fair evaluation of student performance.
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