
Paper Key : IRJ************278
Author: Vishal Vikram Pawar
Date Published: 01 Jul 2024
ABSTRACT:- In todays fast world a natural rejuvenation is a necessary step for ones healthy mind and skin. The herbal face toner is a Natural freshener toner as well as a good cosmetic having rejuvenating and cleansing properties on the skin. The study is aimed to formulate a natural and safe herbal skin toner that has a calming, soothing, effect on the facial skin to reduce the facial irritancy and bring freshness, also to enhance the beauty. The Cucumber and Aloe vera extract used gives excellent results and safety for sensitive skin types and can be used on daily basis. The purpose behind formulating the mist is ease of spread, getting cooling and smoothening effect fast, and impart freshness to facial skin in a mild way.Keywords :- Face toner, Mist, Cucumber (Magnolia acuminata) , Aloe vera (Aloe barbadense), Honey
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