
Paper Key : IRJ************551
Author: Varun V M
Date Published: 05 Jul 2024
The growth of various artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processors (NLP) made it possible to produce systems that convert spoken words into actual SQL database queries. Techniques of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) involving the use of Pythons SpeechRecognition package and Google Speech Recognizer API are utilized in deep learning models to analyze and synthesize intricate SQL structures. These models, trained by countless examples of compound queries, achieve usersgoals with databases. This concept is easily understandable and enables any layperson or technically challenged individual to interact with and organize their data. As an AI-controlled technique, it is best used for business analysis and personal data administration, allowing users to work with databases using only their voice.Keywords: Natural Language Processors (NLP), Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR).
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