
Paper Key : IRJ************314
Author: Vaishnavi Patil
Date Published: 17 Oct 2023
In this paper, CNN-based potato leaf disease detection using deep learning. A model was developed for a classification of plant leaf diseases from the leaf image using efficient deep learning architecture potato during the growth season, several illnesses can affect plants it can be concluded that potatoes are the number one vegetable all over the world. Our dataset consists of high-resolution images of healthy potato leaves and leaves infected with common diseases such as late blight, early blight, and black scarf. the proposed model will strongly identify and detect diseases of potato leaf stand by image processing methods in a research paper. CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) model is used to detect the disease from image classification of potato leaf because CNN & gives better results than others. The algorithm is used for this research the area (LeNet) model. potatoes are several cultivations that play a crucial role in global food security; however, it is susceptible to various disease that can significantly impact crop yield. Timely and accurate disease detection is essential for effective disease management.
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