
Paper Key : IRJ************387
Author: Vinson A,Christo Melbin D.c
Date Published: 04 Oct 2023
With the development of cloud computing, the great amount of storage data requires safe and efficient data sharing. In multiparty storage data sharing, first, the confidentiality of shared data is ensured to achieve data privacy preservation. Second, the security of stored data is ensured. That is, when stored shared data are subject to frequent access operations, the servers address sequence or access pattern is hidden. Therefore, determining how to ensure the untraceability of stored data or efficient hide the data access pattern in sharing stored data is a challenge. By leveraging proxy re-encryption and oblivious random access memory (ORAM), a privacy-preserving and untraceable scheme is proposed to support multiple users in sharing data in cloud computing. On the one hand, group members and proxies use the key exchange phase to obtain keys and resist multiparty collusion if necessary. The ciphertext obtained according to the proxy re-encryption phase enables group members to implement access control and store data, thereby completing secure data sharing. On the other hand, this paper realizes data untraceability and a hidden data access pattern through a one-way circular linked table in a binary tree (OCLT) and obfuscation operation. Additionally, based on the designed structure and pointer tuple, malicious users are identified and data tampering is prevented. The proposed scheme is secure and efficient for group data sharing in cloud computing. This project also enhanced Traitor Tracing Once the users secret key is leaked for profits or other purposes, server runs trace algorithm to find the malicious user. After the traitor is traced, user will blocked in cloud server. The traceability function enables the broadcaster to identify the traitor, and prevents the authorized users from leaking their keys.
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS45050
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