
Paper Key : IRJ************387
Author: Tamanna Jindal,Annaika Fernandes ,Syona Kadidal
Date Published: 17 Nov 2023
Our research paper explores various models to explain addiction which is a rising epidemic in our world. Our investigation involved consulting online secondary sources, professors, and doctors to gather information on the nature of addiction. The closure provided by each model varies - one may explain the process of addiction, one may explain its causes, and one may explain intervention. The three we will be analyzing are the Disease Model of Addiction, the Psychopathological Model of Addiction, and the Psychoanalytical Model of Addiction. The Disease Model of Addiction provides an explanation for addiction at a biological level and gives a more quantitative approach to understanding addiction. The Psychopathological model focuses on one of the core causes for addiction- bad mental health. It helps us understand and identify the core dysfunctions which lead to addiction, thereby connecting greatly to the psychoanalytical model. The Psychoanalytical model focuses on therapeutic interventions using self reflection on one's own motives, in order to tackle addiction through self awareness and emotional regulation. At the end of this paper, we analyzed if some aspects of a particular model better explain addiction than the other models, and we found a combination of the models best explained addictive nature.
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS45310
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