
Paper Key : IRJ************236
Author: Srihari Subudhi
Date Published: 05 Jul 2024
Cloud computing's exponential growth demands robust security solutions to protect sensitive data. Traditional Single-factor authentication (SFA) offers limited protection, driving the exploration of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) mechanisms. This paper presents a comparative analysis of prominent MFA methods, including SMS-based, app-based, and biometric authentication, to evaluate their effectiveness in strengthening cloud security. This research adopts a multi-pronged methodology. First, we conduct a thorough literature review to understand the existing landscape of MFA techniques and how they impact the security postures. Second, we perform a comparative analysis, evaluating each MFA method based on security strength, user convenience, and potential bypass vulnerabilities. This analysis, coupled with a comprehensive review of existing research on MFA techniques and their security strengths, provides a holistic understanding of how different MFA methods influence cloud security. By analysing each method's strengths, weaknesses, and implementation considerations, this research aims to offer valuable insights to guide the selection of optimal MFA methods for robust cloud security.
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS59848
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