
Paper Key : IRJ************152
Author: Soham Subhash Mali,Parshwa Pramod Lande,Vivek Rahul Patil,Prathamesh Prakash Murchite
Date Published: 21 Oct 2023
- Plant diseases affect the growth and crop yield of the plants and make social, ecological and economical impacts on agriculture. Recent studies on leaf diseases show how they harm the plants. Plant leaf diseases also cause significant economic losses to farmers. Early detection of the diseases deserve special attention. Plant diseases are studied in the literature, mostly focusing on the biological aspects. They make predictions according to the visible surface of plants and leaves. Detection of diseases as soon as they appear is a vital step for effective disease management. The detection is traditionally carried out by human experts. Human experts identify diseases visually but they faces some difficulties that may harm their efforts. In this context, detecting and classifying diseases in an exact and timely manner is of the great importance .
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