
Paper Key : IRJ************211
Author: Shruti Kumbhar
Date Published: 19 Oct 2023
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) poses a significant public health concern due to its increasing prevalence and impact on patient outcomes and healthcare systems. This research paper provides a comprehensive investigation into CKD, focusing on risk factors, diagnostic methods, and management strategies. CKD is characterized by the progressive loss of kidney function, often resulting from conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and primary renal disorder. As CDK advances, it leads to complications, including kidney failure, necessitating costly interventions like dialysis or transplantation. CKD is seen to be more common in women (14%) as compared to men (12%). However, the risk factors of CKD, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and age can be similar for both men and women. However, some specific causes of CKD, like certain autoimmune diseases, may have a higher prevalence in women. The development of CKD is influenced by a combination of factors, and gender is just one of them. This study examines the multifaceted etiology of CKD, encompassing genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors.
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