
Paper Key : IRJ************256
Author: Sailaja K
Date Published: 04 Oct 2023
With increasing population of India, increasing birth rate and decreasing death rate due to advancement in the medical field its found that numbers of doctors are less to serve the needs of the increasing population. This scenario can be better understood while walking through the citys government hospitals where the less availability of the doctors is the major cause behind the improper treatment of the patients and in certain scenarios the resultant death. Sometimes even doctors can make mistakes in providing the correct treatment resulting in the death of a patient. To encounter such cases there is a need for the smart and Intelligent chatbot who can provide advice to the doctors and sometimes even patients about what to do in such cases which ultimately results in the saving the life of hundreds of people. The AI based medical chatbot on which this research topic is based deals with providing medical advice in such scenarios because sometimes doctors can even make mistakes while observing the symptoms but the machine which is specifically developed for it cant make such mistakes. This AI based medical chatbot can take decisions as per the request of the patient. For this it uses its own database and in certain scenarios where something isnt available in its database as per the request of the user, it collects the information from the search engine like Google and gives it to the user in the Audio format like Google does.
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS45059
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