
Paper Key : IRJ************193
Author: Sagar R
Date Published: 04 Jul 2024
This research presents a novel system that uses cutting-edge technologies to translate spoken English into sign language, facilitating communication for the people with hard of hearing and deaf. Using the PyAudio library, the system records speech and uses the Google Speech-to-Text API to convert it to text. Text analysis is accomplished by utilizing natural language processing algorithms. After processing, this text is compared to a video library of Handspeak sign language motions. The user sees a logical sign language interpretation of thespoken input created by concatenating the matched sign language videos in order. System can be used in offline and online modes, with the online version offering higher accuracy because it has access to large online video lexicon. The study emphasizes possibility of Future developments include the creation of a sign-to-speech conversion system and improved algorithm line CNN for increased accuracy, with goal of producing a reliable communication tool to the deaf and speech-impaired community.
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