
Paper Key : IRJ************041
Author: Sathya Pramod D
Date Published: 11 Jul 2024
Cryptography is the cornerstone of secure communication in the digital age. It transforms plain information into a scrambled format using complex algorithms, making it unreadable to anyone who does not possess the key to decrypt it. Historically, cryptography was used for protecting secret messages, especially in military contexts. In the modern era, it has evolved into a sophisticated field that underpins the security of various digital systems. Cryptography's primary goal is to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of data, whether it is in storage or transit.At the heart of cryptography are two fundamental mechanisms: encryption and decryption. Encryption is the process of converting readable data (plaintext) into an encoded format (cipher text) using an algorithm and an encryption key. Decryption reverses this process, transforming the cipher text back into its original form using a decryption key. The effectiveness of cryptography lies in its ability to make data unintelligible to unauthorized users while allowing legitimate parties to decode it effortlessly. This delicate balance is achieved through various cryptographic techniques and protocols designed to thwart unauthorized access.
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