Paper Key : IRJ************337
Author: Rizki Yuannas Kusuma Artha,Andre Dwijanto Witjaksono,Anang Kistyanto
Date Published: 08 Jul 2024
The research was conducted with the aim of empirically proving the impact of communication and resilience on employee performance at the Dinas Sosial Magetan Regency. The variables used in this research can be grouped into two, namely independent variables and dependent variables. The independent variables studied are communication and resilience, while the dependent variable is employee performance. The literature review that is relevant to this research consists of human resource management theory, communication theory, resilience theory, and employee performance theory. The research currently being carried out includes a quantitative approach using questionnaires as an instrument for collecting field data. The population in this study are employees at the Dinas Sosial Magetan Regency with a total of 45 employees. The entire research population will be used as the research sample. The questionnaire instrument was tested for validity and reliability, while the analysis of the influence between variables used multiple linear regression so that the impact of communication and resilience as independent variables on employee performance as the dependent variable could be determined. Meanwhile, to test the hypothesis using the F test and t test. The research results prove that employee performance is significantly positively influenced by communication, as well as resilience having a significant positive impact on employee performance. Simultaneously, employee performance is significantly influenced by communication and resilience
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