
Paper Key : IRJ************113
Author: Raziq Pasha
Date Published: 05 Jul 2024
ABSTRACT-The "Guitar Chords Recognition Using Real-Time Video" project aims to develop an innovativesystem that can identify guitar chords as they are played, using live video footage. This system utilizes advancedmachine learning techniques to analyse hand and finger positions on the guitar fretboard, recognizing the chordsin real processing the video data, the system extracts essential such as finger placement and movementpatterns. These all Features are then feed onto a trained machine learning model that accurately classifies thechords being played. The project addresses challenges like varying lighting conditions, different hand sizes, anddiverse playing styles to ensure robust and reliable chord recognition. this real-time feedback system is particularlybeneficial for guitar learners, offering instant chord identification and enhancing practice sessions. The successfulimplementation of this project demonstrates the potential of integrating computer vision with music education,enabling more interactive and effective learning experiences.
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