
Paper Key : IRJ************181
Author: Praveen Kumar,Prof. Sheo Kumar,Dr. Jitu Kujur
Date Published: 20 Oct 2023
ABSTRACT: Around the world over, concrete is a material that is often used in construction. But nowadays, the requirements of the buildings its timeline and its applications have been changed. These changes require changes to be made in the concrete also. As a result, self-compacting concrete was discovered by the scientist. This article discusses the uses, advantages of self-compacting concrete and give sits brief introduction for understating its basics. Also, to increase the properties of concrete some admixtures are added, like mineral, fibre or chemical admixtures. They can be silica fume, steel slag, plasticizers, etc. all these admixtures have different properties as per the requirements. The studies include the topic of admixtures in self-compacting concrete as well. Additionally, iron slag and rice husk ash have been mentioned. In this research, the appearance of concrete prepared without cement and with different admixtures is compared. Here, silica fume, rice husk ash, and other mineral additives are used. Some cement can be replaced with iron slag. They are all substantial industrial wastes. These materials, which have high quantities of silica and pozzolanic components, are used for a variety of purposes today. Make excellent content; it is used as a cement alternative. Compressive and flexural strengths, the two primary features of concrete are those that are determined for hardened concrete to examine load bearing capacity for design reasons. In this work, we examined the overall effect of admixtures on the self-compacting concrete's properties. Various samples were cured for 28 days as part of the experiments. The materialscompressive strength, flexural strength, and tensile strength were examined using various methods. As a result, a comparison research is highly valuable for determining the sort of minerals admixtures to be employed.Keyword: RHA (Rice husk Ash), SF (Silica Fume), IS (Iron Slag), Split Tensile strength, Flexural Strength, Compressive strength, etc.
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