
Paper Key : IRJ************644
Author: Nagendrakumar Motilal Jaiswar
Date Published: 22 Oct 2023
This research explores the fusion of computer vision, machine learning, and facial recognition algorithms to create a robust system capable of accurately detecting the presence or absence of a mask on an individual's face. The results showcase the model's efficacy in accurately recognizing individuals with or without masks, demonstrating its potential for deployment in public spaces, transportation hubs, and healthcare facilities. By developing a robust and accurate system, this study lays the groundwork for the integration of mask recognition technology into diverse sectors, fostering a safer and more secure environment for individuals worldwide. The real-world applications of mask recognition extend beyond the public health domain. Security systems, public transportation, and commercial establishments are increasingly integrating mask detection technologies to ensure compliance with health regulations. As the world continues to navigate through unprecedented times, the integration of mask recognition technologies stands as a testament to the adaptability and innovation within the intersection of technology and public health.
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