
Paper Key : IRJ************463
Author: Muhammad Tasawar Ilyas
Date Published: 05 Oct 2023
Due to the depletion of fossil fuels and the effects of global warming, the globe is shifting toward renewable energy sources. The sun is the most potent source of energy among these renewable ones. A popular renewable energy source is solar energy. Due to the non-linear behavior of the solar photovoltaic PV system under actual environmental settings, the output power changes for dynamic environmental conditions, reducing the systems efficiency. A control strategy is necessary for maximum power extraction under all circumstances in order to obtain the most power. The maximum power has been extracted using a variety of maximum power point tracking MPPT methods. Sliding mode control SMC, one of these MPPT strategies, is a popular method for non-linear systems to manage uncertainty. This thesis focuses on comparing and analyzing SMC methods for MPPT. Moreover, we sought to deal with the behavior of a PV system using a non-linear higher-order sliding mode control HOSMC approach known as the super-twisting algorithm STA.
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS45041
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