
Paper Key : IRJ************962
Author: Manoj V
Date Published: 04 Jul 2024
This paper presents an innovative approach utilizing Information and Communication Technology to enhance communication for the deaf & dumb community through the application of murmuring sounds. The proposed system leverages advanced Speech-to-Text (STT) and Text-to-Speech (TTS) techniques, translating subtle vocalizations into readable text and audible speech. By combining Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and Deep Neural Networks (DNN), the system ensures accurate and real-time translation. This solution aims to bridge the communication gap between the deaf & dumb individuals and the general population, facilitating better expression and understanding. The advancement in assistive technology promises To boost the standard of those who are deaf and speech impairments, highlighting With the potential for widespread deployment and future development. Keywords: Speech-to-Text (STT), Text-to-Speech (TTS), Speech recognition, Murmuring sounds
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