
Paper Key : IRJ************416
Author: Maricur M. Tiomes
Date Published: 12 Jul 2024
The main objective of this study was to explore and investigate the lived experiences, problems encountered and insights learned by elementary school digital immigrant teachers in handling digital natives in the classroom. Four themes in figure three were mentioned by the ten (10) selected teachers of Buhangin District who were handling digital natives in their classes. The themes mentioned in figure three were the digital immigrants adaptability to the new normal in the educational system, collaboration, engaged in authentic problem-based activities, and maintained student teacher collaboration; and finally digital divide, the gap between people who have adequate access to ICT and those who have zero or poor access to IC.T Meanwhile, figure four with themes described by the teachers as problems encountered; limited technical knowledge, a lack of knowledge and understanding of how to use technology; inadequate technology; where students want to use technology more, but, reality is that the resources are just not available to all, time consuming; much time was consumed on technological learning, lastly, lack of relevant professional development; provide teachers with professional development opportunities. These were the theme observed during the discussion and was described by the elementary school teachers. Lastly, figure five which were insights, four themes were learned and observed during the interview these were the following; constant practice and training, self-efficacy, teachers digital mindset and patience in acquiring knowledge on digital technology were essential in the development of the learners.These were themes generated as insights of the digital immigrant teachers handling digital natives.Keywords: Digital natives, digital immigrants, digital divide, education and technology
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