
Paper Key : IRJ************770
Author: Kiran Prakash Nikhade
Date Published: 14 Jul 2024
In India about 70% of the crowd relies on agriculture. Identification of the plant diseases is important in order to prevent the losses within the yield. It's terribly troublesome to observe the plant diseases manually. It needs tremendous quantity of labor, expertise within the plant diseases, and conjointly need the excessive time interval. Hence, image processing and machine learning models can be employed for the detection of plant diseases. In this project, we have described the technique for the detection of plant diseases with the help of their leaves pictures. Image processing is a branch of signal processing which can extract the image properties or useful information from the image. The main aim of machine learning is to understand the training data and fit that training data into models that should be useful to the people. So it can assist in good decisions making and predicting the correct output using the large amount of training data. The colour of leaves, amount of damage to leaves, area of the leaf, texture parameters are used for classification. In this project we have analyzed different image parameters or features to identifying different plant leaves diseases to achieve the best accuracy. Previously plant disease detection is done by visual inspection of the leaves or some chemical processes by experts. In such conditions, the recommended system proves to be helpful in monitoring large fields of crops. Automatic detection of the diseases by simply seeing the symptoms on the plant leaves makes it easier as well as cheaper. The proposed solution for plant disease detection is computationally less expensive and requires less time for prediction than other deep learning based approaches since it uses statistical machine learning and image processing algorithm.Keywords: Analysis, Detection, technique, machine learning, Diseases.
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