
Paper Key : IRJ************567
Author: Gayatri Sanjay Thakare
Date Published: 24 Oct 2023
The Internet of Things is an Arising Technology. The technology that has made our world smarter. With the help of the same "Internet of Things" we can transfigure our diurnal use home into a" Smart Home" and use it considerably to make our diurnal life easier and more comfortable. This paper describes the conception of "Smart Home". There are numerous appliances in your home but this paper gives an overview of how you can make your home smart by incorporating those smart enterprise. In a "Smart Home" a person can handle bias from a certain distance, control them, and this is what the Case, senior, and other humans in the home take advantage. Homes in some areas have been converted into" Smart Homes" using the Internet of Things, and "Smart Metropolises" are arising. And the country is developing. also, all the type of function, operation, security and sequestration challenges in this regard are proposed in this paper.
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS45502
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