
Paper Key : IRJ************989
Author: Frederick Edward T. Fabella
Date Published: 21 Oct 2023
A short period after the launching of the Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer or Chat GPT, news broke that some Filipino college students were being investigated for allegedly employing it to do their coursework. A global debate on the advantages and disadvantages of the use of this AI has since ensued. This study attempted to discover the attitudes toward certain stated positive and negative features of Chat GPT. Through purposive sampling, 88 first year college students from a private higher education institution in Rizal and are current users of Chat GPT were invited to be the respondents of the study. A 9-item researcher-made, 6-point Likert scale instrument was crafted. Its items were made using selected positive and negative features of Chat GPT stated in 10 Advantages of Chat GPT | disadvantages of Chat GPT12 and in OpenAI's new Chat GPT bot: 10 dangerous things it's capable of13, and was subsequently administered on the respondents. In terms of the stated positive features of Chat GPT, the respondents moderately agree that in response to user inquiries, Chat GPT gives detailed answers, they moderately agree that Chat GPT uses the prior interactions it had with the user in the same prompt tree, which it remembers, to provide context for their responses, they moderately agree that Chat GPT enables users to make additional adjustments to their questions till they are happy with the response, and they also moderately agree that Chat GPT has been programmed to refuse inappropriate requests. On the other hand, with regard to the stated negative features of Chat GPT, the respondents moderately agree that Chat GPT can be prone to mistakes, they slightly agree that Chat GPT can be misused, they slightly agree that Chat GPT lacks morality in its answers, they slightly agree that Chat GPT can be biased and they also slightly agree that Chat GPT can give convincing but wrong answers.
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS45426
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