
Paper Key : IRJ************188
Author: Divya S,Ramyashree R C,Jyothis K S
Date Published: 02 Feb 2025
The increasing adoption of MQTT(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) in IoTsystems has revolutionized industries likehealthcare and automotive by enabling efficient,real-time communication. However, MQTTs lackof native security mechanisms exposes criticalapplications to cyber threats, particularly Man-inthe-Middle (MITM) attacks. These attacks cancompromise sensitive data integrity, disruptcommunication, and pose severe safetyrisks.This paper proposes a comprehensive framework thatsecures MQTT communication using lightweightcryptographic algorithms, mutual authentication, anddynamic key management. By addressing theconstraints of resource- limited IoT devices, theframework ensures robust security without impactingdevice performance. Experiments validate theframeworks ability to defend against MITM attackswhile maintaining compliance with healthcare andautomotive cybersecurity standards like HIPAA andISOSAE 21434.
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