Paper Key : IRJ************799
Author: Deeksha Patel,Anubhav Pandey
Date Published: 04 Feb 2024
The development of 4G and 5G technologies is revolutionizing mobile wireless communication. Users are requesting more features as a result, such as access to the frequency spectrum that is available at all times, locations, and everywhere. Numerous communication systems, such as Wi-Fi, WLAN, WiMAX, AM, FM, GSM, CDMA, and LTE, can now be supported thanks to the development of advanced communication networks. Better transmission is needed for these technologies in terms of the signal to noise ratio or bit-average energy to noise power. Simultaneous low bit error rate and excellent data rate maintenance are expected. Furthermore, a lot of wireless communications applications have energy efficiency as a top priority One of the primary concerns with 5G is energy efficiency. Multi-input multi-output OFDM (MIMO-OFDM) technology can be used to design such kinds of systems because it reduces inter-symbol interference (ISI) while delivering high spectral and energy efficiency. OFDM has been used extensively since 3G technology to lower ISI, obtain higher data rates, and improve spectral efficiency. The core of the entire OFDM system is the channel estimation block at the receiving end. The bit error rate (BER) is directly impacted by the effectiveness of the channel estimation, which determines the performance of the OFDM system. Pilots are positioned at known locations in the OFDM symbol grid at the transmitter end in frequency domain channel estimation techniques. Now at the receiver end, the channel is estimated by means of known and received pilot symbols.