
Paper Key : IRJ************582
Author: Ajad Singh,Nupur Kataria
Date Published: 04 Oct 2023
This study examines Tamil Nadu's Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) trends from 1993-94 to 2021-22 and their comparison with national data. It aims to uncover LFPR determinants, including family size, education, age, gender, marital status, and caste, and tests three hypotheses related to gender, education, and family size impacts on LFPR. Results reveal nuanced LFPR patterns, with rural areas seeing gradual declines, possibly reflecting shifting economic opportunities and gender-specific employment dynamics. Urban areas display relatively stable LFPR for males but a slight dip for females. Tamil Nadu generally exhibits higher LFPR than India, particularly among males and in rural areas. Policy recommendations emphasize gender-specific initiatives, education investment, job creation, urban-rural balance, smaller families, and female workforce encouragement for inclusive economic growth.
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS45042
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