
Paper Key : IRJ************390
Author: Mr. Janardhana, Srujan K,Sukshith V Shivalenkamath
Date Published: 24 Oct 2023
The fabrication of an flood resistance houses is a groundbreaking venture that epitomizes the fusion of sustainable architecture and adaptability in the face of climate change. This abstract provides an overview of the fabrication process, highlighting its sustainable construction techniques, resilience and innovative design. The flood resistance houses fabrication begins with a commitment to sustainability, featuring eco- conscious material selection and responsible manufacturing, aligning with circular economy principles. Its groundbreaking foundation system enables the house to float gracefully during floods and return securely as waters recede, showcasing resilience to rising sea levels. Energy efficiency and sustainability are at the forefront, incorporating renewable energy sources, advanced insulation, and water management systems. Modular construction facilitates customization, ensuring that the house evolves with residentschanging needs. With spacious, well-lit interiors offering captivating views, the flood resistance houses symbolizes a harmonious coexistence with nature in an era marked by environmental challenges.
DOI LINK : 10.56726/IRJMETS45330
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