Paper Key : IRJ************150
Author: Siya Sadashiv Tekude
Date Published: 12 Nov 2024
ABSTRCT: The present review work focuses on the importance and economic devlopment of green chemistry. It is new branch in chemistry dealing with reduction of harmful and toxic chemicals in the synthesis and replacing it with ecofriendly methods. The principle of green chemistry with various benefits have been discussed to understand the basic requirement for replacement of conventional synthetic method with green chemistry synthesis. To describe it the synthetic approach for the synthesis of acetanilide has been discussed and compared.Processes without adverse effects its impact on the environment. It is based on twelve principles that can be used to first create and re-create molecules, materials, reactions and processes are better for human health and the environment. Green chemical processes the materials developed so far cover almost all areas of chemistry, organic, inorganic, biochemistry, polymer, toxicology, environment, physics, technology, etc. Through some well-known trends in environmental conservation, for example. Reduction, biocatalysis and alternative applications: renewable raw materials (biomass), reaction media (water, ionized water and supercritical fluid), reaction method (microwave irradiation) and new synthesis method (photocatalytic reaction), both objectives environmental protection and possible economic benefits. This article provides examples of popular features Green chemistry reduces the environmental impact of chemical processes and technologies.