
Paper Key : IRJ************062
Author: Supriyaa G,S.priskilla Manonmani
Date Published: 02 May 2024
House Storing data in the cloud is a popular choice due to its flexibility, but it raises concerns about data integrity and security, especially when users relinquish direct control over their data. This shift in storage practices has led to apprehensions about fully trusting cloud technology, despite its utility in outsourcing data storage.Edge storage emerges as an alternative with benefits like reduced latency, but it also faces challenges such as susceptibility to disruptions. To address these concerns, security paradigms involving third-party auditors (TPAs) have been introduced. TPAs play a crucial role in verifying the integrity of data stored in the cloud and associated critical information. However, there's a risk of TPAs turning adversarial and compromising data privacy.To mitigate these risks, it's important to consider security requirements and threats posed by vulnerabilities. Additionally, privacy-preserving models employed by TPAs are scrutinized and categorized for their adaptability to dynamic environments. In essence, while cloud computing offers numerous advantages, ensuring the security and integrity of data stored in the cloud remains a significant challenge. Ongoing attention and innovative solutions are necessary to address these concerns and foster trust between cloud clients and service providers.
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